Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Well, I've finally found my way into blogging! Yay Me! I've decided to start writing for a couple different reasons:

1) So my friends and family can stay in touch and up-to-date with our super exciting lives (there should be a font for sarcasm - how has no one invented this yet?)
2) So I can rant and rave about stupid things and Corey doesn't have to bear the brunt of the burden.... although sorry, dear, but this does not relieve you of your duties.
3) Because I've been working in marketing/advertising for going on 6 years now, and I think it's about time I know what the heck a blog is and what it entails when I suggest it to my clients.
4) Because dang it, I think I have smart and witty things to share. :)

So welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're here. I promise to update once a week... hopefully... maybe... at least for a while... :)

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