Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It’s fall… and fantasy football time (GROAN)

Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. Always has been. I love the crisp weather, the fall leaves, the excitement in the air as school starts up again, chili, sweatshirts and most of all – football season!

In college, I attended just about every single home football game at the UNI-Dome. I loved getting there early as the players were warming up, listening to music, and the feeling you got from watching them run out of the hallway to the sound of the panther growl. (I still get chills thinking about it!) When I moved to California, no one even knew who my beloved Panthers were, and I most certainly wasn’t able to watch them on t.v.

Now that I’m back in Iowa, I’m more of a football fan than ever.  But as much as I love my Panthers, and all football for that matter, my dear husband is killing my joy with a little thing called “Fantasy Football”.

Oh Lord help me, I hate Fantasy Football, and I’ve got a laundry list of reasons why:

1) He refuses to like and follow just one team. Football is a sport of loyalty. You’re supposed to have your favorite team and follow them with a crazy, lunatic-esque dedication. With fantasy football, you have players from multiple teams on your “fantasy team”, so while I’m trying to watch my Cowboys play (Tony Romo and Miles Austin – easy on the eyes AND good at football!), my husband is flipping to the worst games (Detroit vs. Oakland? Who gives a shit?) to watch his obscure wide receiver make one reception to get 5 points or something. Dumb.

2) I don’t exist on Sundays any more. Seriously. It’s like I’m invisible. I could be covered only in $100 bills and he wouldn’t even give me a sidelong glance. I might get a few words of conversation in during commercial, but usually that time is reserved for checking the computer stats (which means the t.v. AND the computer are monopolized the entire day – double whammy!)

3) He spends the majority of his time talking mad shit to his friends. They are like little tween-aged boys (no offense, honey, I love you. But you are). They email, call each other, text each other all day week long. To say it is mildly annoying would be a bit of an understatement.

4) Lastly, I hate it because… I am a little jealous. Ok, I’ll admit it – a lot jealous. I like football too! I just don’t know enough to justify having a fantasy team, although I do have to say I TOLD Corey Miles Austin would be a star last year after watching Hard Knocks (and guess who has him on his fantasy team this year? You guessed it…). I’ve already threatened to start my own “girls league” (the guys got a HUGE kick out of that). Plus, I genuinely enjoy hanging out with my husband. And stupid fantasy takes him away from me one day a week (pouting).

In summary – I do really dislike fantasy football and I’m just too darn lazy to do all the research that goes into having your own team and actually being good at it. And I know how much it makes my hubby happy. I just keep telling myself, it could be worse – he could be into video games. (That is something that is most certainly NOT happening!) And maybe while he is watching football on Sunday, I can sneak out and do some shopping… he’ll never know I was gone… or see me come home with bags (I’m invisible, remember?) :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Breeding a future generation of little volunteers

So, I really don't want to look back at this blog when I have kids and realize that all the things I said I was going to do while raising my kids I never did. But there is one thing I don't have a problem declaring: When I have kids I am going to volunteer them to help those less fortunate.
Corey and I have lived pretty blessed lives thus far. Neither of us ever wanted for anything... We got new shoes and school clothes and even fun extras like going out to eat and birthday parties. Whenever we would complain about something we didn't get, our parents would say "You don't know how good you have it!" and we would think, "Yeah, right. This totally sucks!" But the truth is, we really didn't know how good we had it. 

I actively volunteer both my money and my time to various charitable causes but rarely get a chance to work directly with those in need. Today I helped deliver school supplies to underprivileged fifth graders in inner city Des Moines and I saw what a burden buying the simplest of supplies were to some people. Supplying notebooks and kleenex for their kids was a relief to them, freeing up their money for the most basic things many of us take for granted - shelter, clothing, food. Part of me felt bad for being there. I knew the parents were grateful, but I felt like we were looking for an outpouring of gratitude, when really all I wanted was to see the kids happy about their new supplies, and a new school year. But I also knew it was important for me to be there to remind me to be thankful for who I am, where I come from and what I have - and how God put me in a position to help other people.

These kinds of experiences are something I want my kids to see and feel first-hand. So we won't have to tell them, "You don't know how good you have it", they'll already know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

Well, I've finally found my way into blogging! Yay Me! I've decided to start writing for a couple different reasons:

1) So my friends and family can stay in touch and up-to-date with our super exciting lives (there should be a font for sarcasm - how has no one invented this yet?)
2) So I can rant and rave about stupid things and Corey doesn't have to bear the brunt of the burden.... although sorry, dear, but this does not relieve you of your duties.
3) Because I've been working in marketing/advertising for going on 6 years now, and I think it's about time I know what the heck a blog is and what it entails when I suggest it to my clients.
4) Because dang it, I think I have smart and witty things to share. :)

So welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're here. I promise to update once a week... hopefully... maybe... at least for a while... :)